Kissing 2018 Goodbye

Reflections 2018Every year I sit by my Christmas tree and reminisce on the year as time passes me by. It’s cathartic, really. Reflecting on the good, the bad, and the mediocre. I know this year has been hard for a lot of my friends… but I’m grateful to say that it’s been a year of enlightenment for me.

So much has changed since I moved to Florida. In the last five years, I’ve learned a lot about life and myself. I’m starting to get pretty good at this whole adulting thing… and I guess that’s good seeing as I’m 27 now and I’ve technically been an adult for nearly a decade.

This year, I made some mistakes but I learned from them. I got back up and figured out who I was and what I wanted. This year, I also experienced success. I got two raises and was promoted to a manager level position. I finished a book I’ve been longing to write. I made more money in my freelance business than I ever have before. I traveled to some new places and some old favorites. I visited Ohio three times – twice to see family and once to see a friend I haven’t seen in years.

I experienced Portugal and Spain. I saw the Maroon Bells in Colorado. I met some amazing new friends. I stumbled into a relationship that’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to my love life. I grew closer to some old friends and lost a couple dear ones too. Regardless of what I was expecting, 2018 was not half bad. It brought me joy and tears, but it also gave me hope.

What did I want to do this year? Well, I can’t say that I checked off everything, but I got through a great portion of it… and I’m really freaking proud of myself.

My 2018 Resolutions:

  1. Focus on Self Care – As many of you know, I deal with extreme anxiety. I need to do better about taking care of myself. If I’m too stressed, I need to focus on reigniting my energy toward positive ideas. Whether that’s simply getting up earlier or making time for longer walks at night, I need to make myself a priority. I made my health a priority this year and got into kickboxing. It’s been a great form of self care that keeps me motivated and targets my stress and anxiety at a punching bag.
  2. Spiritual Growth – I’m going to focus on learning new religions, belief systems, and values to truly solidify what I believe in. I know there’s a higher being. I’m still just not sure what I believe about it. I started to explore this a bit in January and I’d like to continue exploring it this year. I didn’t get very far on this one.
  3. Cut Back on Drinking – I’m so tired of the night life scene. For my health (weight and mood), I’m cutting out drinking for the month of January. After, I’ll limit my intake and stop going out as often. Definitely didn’t and got myself in trouble on this one. I stopped drinking as much in February but it’s still something I should cut back on. The holidays are the hardest for cutting it out.
  4. Practice More Yoga – Along with my spiritual growth, I want to get into a yogi routine. While it will help me align my energy and reduce stress levels, it will also help me strengthen my core muscles. Instead, I chose kickboxing. That counts as stress reduction, right?
  5. Finish My Book – I want to complete my book and have it sent to an editor by the end of the year. It’s a story I feel I need to tell. Not only for myself, but for so many other women who have been in the same position as I was. Not only did I finish it, I published it. This was one of my greatest accomplishments this year. I finally faced my demons and wrote about my past. I’m so very happy I did and I’m so very grateful for the friends that were there to support me sharing my story with them.
  6. Market My Freelance Business – Start a weekly routine for marketing Writer’s Ink. Publishing more on social and engaging with the communities there. Also writing one blog post per week and distributing my business cards. I failed on the marketing side of this, but I did get a few clients that helped me pay for a lot of the accomplishments on my next resolution.
  7. Work on House Updates – Whether it’s replacing a vanity in the half bath or buying a new washer and dryer, I need to start working on my new home to make it more of an investment. I definitely did some remodeling. This year, I installed some blinds, remodeled my master bathroom, and ripped out the carpet to put in bamboo upstairs. They were all great investments.
  8. Learn How to Play an Instrument – While guitar has been on my resolution list for years, I would like to open it up to learning how to play any instrument. Piano, guitar, or even simply learning how to read music. I failed at this yet again. I really need to commit if I’m ever going to figure this one out.
  9. Stop Settling for Any Relationship – If I get into a relationship this year, I will not settle. I need to stop dating people with heavy baggage. I need a career oriented, compassionate, giving, liberal man with a good heart and an excellent sense of humor. And I’m not going to waste time looking for him. He’ll find me when it’s the right time. He found me, alright. I finally think I found my person… and thank god I kept to my resolution. I didn’t settle. He’s everything I wanted and more.
  10. Boost My Savings – Start investing in stocks and learning about more ways to make money. I need to build my savings back up and stop buying things I don’t need. I haven’t done well on this either. I’ve spent a lot this year… on travel and on things I don’t need. This year, that’s going to change.

My 2019 Resolutions:

  1. Pay Off the Credit Card Debt
    This year, I spent too much. On house renovations and travel and going out with friends to restaurants and events. I’m happy with all of my adventures, but I need to focus on getting my finances in order again for my future.
  2. Volunteer More
    I used to have a heart geared toward giving back. I still do, but I feel like my mind is too busy now. I need to figure out how to put things back into perspective and go help others. Not just during the holidays, but all year round.
  3. Learn How to Say No
    I have run myself silly this year trying to be there at all the events, happy hours, dinner dates, etc. I put so much pressure on myself to be a good friend, girlfriend, daughter, and person that sometimes I forget that I am only human. I need recharge time and I haven’t been good at giving it to myself.
  4. Lose the Weight
    I put this on here every year. Some years I do better than others. Some years I really fall short. I hope this year I can lose it and maintain it.
  5. Be in the Moment
    Instead of searching for the perfect photo or the perfect memory, I need to focus on being more present. I’m letting life pass me by and I’m not an active participant. I think we’re all guilty of this but I just want to refocus my energy.
  6. Focus on Savings
    This year I let spending get the best of me. Next year, I want to focus on the future and start putting some money away for the things that matter.
  7. Market Writer’s Ink
    I did a good job of earning some extra freelance work last year. I’d love to continue doing that this year but also be able to promote myself as well. Social, blogs, etc. would be a good place to start but also networking at professional conferences.
  8. Continue Kickboxing
    I’ve become a regular at my gym. How crazy is that? I never thought I’d be that person, but I really do enjoy it more and more each week. I want to continue kickboxing and learning from my instructor.
  9. Read More Books
    I didn’t read nearly enough this year. In 2019, I want to read at least six books.
  10. Spend More Time at Home
    Instead of running around trying to do everything, I want to make more time for my dog, my boyfriend, and my couch.

I hope that 2019 is a good year for everyone. This year has definitely had its trials, but I’m so grateful for the lessons they taught me. Here’s to another year of firsts. Let’s hope this one is the best one yet.